

Devotional for 1/17/16

Some of us have memories of the phrase, "Now look what you've done!" which was accompanied by a stern look of disapproval.  It was usually preceded by some disaster we unintentionally created, perhaps out of carelessness or inattention. Usually it was the opposite result of what we initially intended. Sometimes we may have even tried to hide the undesired outcome but still got nailed as the culprit.  

But if we change just one letter in that phrase, an "N" to a "W" and make it say, "Wow, look what you've done!" it completely changes the meaning of that phrase.  It becomes a congratulatory sentence for a job well done and a praising compliment instead of a demeaning criticism.  And hopefully it produces in us a positive feeling of accomplishment.  

In our relationship with God, He gives us the gift of salvation through the death and resurrection of his Son - freely out of his mercy, forgiving us for all those sinful shortcomings in our lives.  Even if we try our hardest in all that we do, we can never fully measure up to perfectly fulfilling his expectations.  He has every right to say to us, "Now look what you've done!"  Every day we fail in some way, either in what we do, say or think, or in what we do not do when we should.  But instead, when we remain faithful by the power of his Holy Spirit and we return our thanks to him by offering him our best efforts at good works, He is able to say to us, "Wow, look what you've done!  Well done my good and faithful servant!"  Even though our efforts are not perfect, we give them sacrificially to God.  And because he sees them through the veil of Jesus' loving sacrifice for us, He accepts them as our thanks and praise for what he has done for us.

Matthew 25:21 (NIV)  "Well done, good and faithful servant! ... Come and share your master's happiness!"
Matthew 25:21 (55 kb)

Dear Father in heaven, you are the creator of all things.  We thank you for your gifts to us on this earth, but especially for the gracious gift of salvation through your Son, Jesus Christ.  Through the power of your Holy Spirit, help us to remain faithful and to use those gifts to your glory.  May we provide a great witness to others on earth as we perform good works out of thankfulness for your forgiveness and salvation.  May you look upon us with favor as your good and faithful servants.  In Jesus' name.  Amen.

written by Jan Andersen 

1 comment:

  1. A goal for all of us. To get to the gates of heaven and hear the words from God, "Well done, good and faithful servant." That is when our eternal life will begin. Good writing Jan.

    God bless..
