
"My Hope Is In You!"...Wednesday

I am so thankful that I serve a Lord that I can always  put my hope in. I know that  He will never fail me, even when I fail Him. That Hope will always be there no matter what the circumstance in my life.

In fact, without hope, we become a people of despair, hopelessness and discouragement. But with Hope in Christ, life  takes on new meaning and great purpose. We are highly encouraged and embrace life with gusto!

God's Word  tells us...

"And now, Lord, what do I wait for: 
My hope is in You." 
Psalm 39:7 

Our everything lies in the hands of Christ Jesus. He holds our very future and every breath that we take. We have nothing if we do not have the Lord in our life.

We can face each new day with tremendous Hope in a God that literally gave His life for us.  His love never fails us and His Hope will always be there for His children all our days.

In His Great  Hope, 
Sandy Billingham 


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