
Our God Given Appointment...Tuesday

Guide me in your truth and teach me,
for you are God my Savior, 
and my hope is in you all day long.
Psalm 25:5

We often talk to people who do not want to listen to what we have to say. They hear the word God or Jesus and they shut down. I often chicken out because I do not want to subject myself to the diatribe that will possibly come from someone who is clueless about the Truth. 

Why do we capitulate to fear when we KNOW that we know the Truth. Are we not polished enough to be aware of how to discuss  the facts that people need to know? Are we too naive to be able to lead someone to recite the sinners prayer which will bring them eternity with God instead of eternity devoid of God?

It is a weakness and a faint-heartedness that is shameful. Because of this, a person might neglect or ignore the goal that he or she should learn and be working for.

Look at the graphic above and you will see the basic truth that demands a verdict with regards to who God is from both sides of the belief spectrum  and then provides a concise supposition of the results of each conclusion. The non believer would do well to consider the consequences if he accepts a mistaken choice.

Dear God, 
Grant us the full understanding of the privilege that God is giving us to lead someone into the life of Christ. Help us to embrace the fact that God has brought us to a place in a non believer's life where He can use us to change eternity for that person. I pray that when such an opportunity presents itself we will accept this opening as the gift and privilege that it really is.   Amen.

Written by 
Corinne Mustafa

1 comment:

  1. We should always try to step up to the plate when a person needs information about God and what is needed in order to serve Him and walk with Him. If we do not tell someone there may be no other person who will. Keep your God given appointment.

    God bless...
