
Surrendered and Pure...Thursday


For many are summoned and called, but few are chosen. You see, many are invited but only a few make it.
Matthew 22.14

God is not a partial God. Though He provided all of us with the platform for living and ministry, all are not always willing to pay the price that is required for service. God deals with us, and uses us, to the level of our availability.

The Holy Spirit will freely flow from vessels that are totally, and unconditionally, surrendered to Him.

The key is in 
       Isaiah 52.11

Get out! Get out of there! Leave this place of captivity and contamination where everything you touch is unclean. Come out of there and purify yourselves. Do not touch any forbidden thing. Keep yourselves holy and leave. Don’t look back!

On the way, do not touch the soiled, the polluted or the tainted. You that are carrying the sacred objects of worship to the Lord, leave and make yourselves pure. Do not infect yourselves with the plunder of the world. Remain pure on your journey, you that are bearing the weapons of Jehovah.                                                                                                                      

Only when we meet this basic condition of a total separation from the influence of this world and only when we surrender to His will - to be done in us, as it is in heaven - only then we will begin to experience the supernatural working of the Holy Spirit in us and through us that brings glory to God.

When the Grace of God unites with a surrendered life, rivers of living water will flow endlessly.

Oh Father, create in us an insatiable hunger for your presence so that we can be vessels You can use to touch the world today.

Written by Brother Thomas Ukwute
      Via Jody Ward

1 comment:

  1. When a person gives his/her all with a pure spirit and full surrender the Lord will guide and direct them to the rivers of living water and teach them how to show others the way, so they may go as well.
