
The Knife Sharpener...Monday

"I'd really like a knife sharpener," my husband points out, as we walk through the fancy kitchen store. I roll my eyes over the necessity of a knife sharpener as I admire a pan that costs the same as a weeks' worth of groceries. I don't ask why he wants one since I have heard the reasons many times. The bottom line is that properly sharp knives are safer and do their job more smoothly with less pressure than dull knives. 

When I think about it, whenever I really listen to God's Word and take it to heart, my edges are being gradually smoothed. Which is just like a knife being sharpened. 

When I am sarcastic or 'funny' at someone else's expense - that is sharpness from my mind.  When I speak words that bring peace and encouragement - that comes from attentiveness to God's truth and grace.

When I am full of God's love, like a knife newly sharpened, my words will be smooth even when I need to address something difficult. When I am mad/upset/angry/hurt about something or someone - I try to wait and let myself cool off before speaking. Waiting for my emotions to settle down helps me to figure out what it was about the situation that actually upset me. Then I can, if I choose to, share honestly with the other person. 

Become wise by walking with the wise;
    hang out with fools and watch your life fall to pieces.
Proverbs 13:20 MSG

Words kill, words give life;
    they’re either poison or fruit—you choose.
Proverbs 18:21 MSG

Dear Lord, thank You for giving us wisdom on how to use the hearts and minds You have given us. Please help us to remember that we see only on the outside and we cannot assume how people are doing. We are called to love others - we are not called to decide who needs some love today. We all need love. In Jesus name, amen.

Written by Mary M. Wilkins

Toby Mac performs "Speak Life"

1 comment:

  1. It is always a good idea to pull back and ponder a situation before you respond. That will give you time to know how to react to something that needs a reaction without being vindictive.

    God bless...
