
THIS TOO SHALL PASS........ Sunday

Devotional for 1/31/16

I have had my share of migraines in the last 10 years.  Mine are of varying degrees.  Some are just an annoyance that if I treat right away pass as quickly as they came.  But others, especially those that choose to sneak up on me in the middle of the night, can make me sick to my stomach, and by the time I awaken they are already too severe to respond to treatment.  During the worst of them it feels as though I might die, and when I don't die I wish that I would!  There are even times I must miss work, sleeping for 3-4 hours in a dark room before it passes.  Eventually it ebbs... usually after I take certain combinations of medications.  With my prescription medication I can only take two doses in a 24 hour period, so sometimes I need a 2nd round of medications the following day before it finally subsides.  What gets me through these worst of the worst is knowing that this too shall pass.  

Life's challenges can feel that way too.  There are varying degrees of problems that we face.  Some are just an annoyance that if we address right away aren't too bad.  Others are more prolonged, or they pile up with multiple issues.  We may get so tangled up in our daily struggles that it becomes sickening, or we want to die. We may have various "treatment strategies" for these troubles:  In prayer we may ask God for help, healing or patience... or all three!  Meditation can help us relax and rely on God as we await his answers to our prayers.  Helping others gets us outside of ourselves and our own dilemmas.  Staying active and physically healthy helps us maintain our energy for the internal strife. Seeking connection and help from others that God sends our way not only gives us new perspectives and support, but also allows those helpers to use their gifts and feel the rewards of serving others.  And sometimes, no matter what we do, those difficulties never do let up in this lifetime.  But when we remain faithful to our Shepherd, we are promised a glorious heavenly home where every tear will be wiped away by God.  He will lead us to the refreshing springs of living water that wash away our sins and shortcomings as well as the tears of our "headaches" of this life.  So this too shall pass, if not on earth, then in heaven!

Revelation 7:17 (NIV)  "For the Lamb at the center of the throne will be their shepherd; 'He will lead them to springs of living water.' (a quote from Isaiah 49:10)  'And God will wipe away every tear from their eyes.' (a quote from Isaiah 25:8)"
Revelation 7:17 (53 kb)
Father in heaven, creator, ruler and sustainer of all, we thank you for all of your gifts in our lives.  We especially thank you for the gift of your Son, who won for us salvation and everlasting life in heaven with you.  You know what our struggles are, and we ask that you would lift them if it be your will while we are here on earth.  Help us to remain faithful through the gift of your Holy Spirit, and to share that faith with others.  We thank you for promising the sustaining springs of living water and the taking away of everything that produces sadness and tears in our lives when we arrive in our heavenly home.  In Jesus' name, Amen.

written by Jan Andersen

1 comment:

  1. What a blessing to know for sure that no matter what happens we will be out of troubles and spending eternity in paradise.
