
Awesome God...A Prayer........Saturday

In the Word, our precious  Bible provides all kinds of inspiration for prayer. Some prayers are even quoted in the Bible, for instance the Lord's prayer. 

In Psalms we have amazing poetry written for music that is actually prayer.
This prayer has been written by a friend who is a  prayer warrior and a very
amazing woman. The prayer below was written a prayer based on 
 the tw0
 scripture below

 Now to Him who is able to do immeasurably more
than all we ask or imagine, according to His power that is at work within us, to Him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations,
for ever and ever! Amen. 
Ephesians 3:20-21


We have all benefited
from the rich blessings
he brought to us—

blessing upon blessing
heaped upon us.
John 1:16TLB

I ask that you will help remove any trace of doubt in
 your ability or your willingness to
 give good gifts to us,
your children. Lord you are able to do immeasurably
more than all we 
ask or imagine. You bless us in ways
that we did not even think to ask you for. Sometimes 
those blessings are not even something that we initially
wanted or liked but you know our
 needs better than we 
do. You are at work in our lives, and your power is evident 
in us as we turn to you. Thank you for all you have done 
for us. Thank you for the many blessings that  you send
our way. From the fullness of your grace we have indeed 
all received one blessing after another. Open our eyes to
see all that you are doing for us. It is so easy for us to focus on
 the lacks-the needs-the wants- and forget your provision,
your blessings, your good gifts that 
you have given us.
Lord forgive our nearsightedness, forgive the times that we
barely mention
 all you have done for us while we ask 
for more and more, and heal the selfishness in our  hearts. 
Give us gratitude and willingness to tell others how your are 
indeed working in our your goodness encourage others
and bring glory to you as we tell of your answered
 those around us. Fill our churches with
testimonies of
 your working in the lives of your
In Jesus name, amen.

Written by
Lisabeth Lipp


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