
"Fullness Of Joy".......Wednesday

   "Fullness Of Joy"
The other night my husband and I were spending time together. I said something to him that struck him really funny and he just took off laughing hilariously!! As he was laughing that brought me to the point of much laughter and in no time we  were rolling in laughter together! What a joyful night that was as we relished a great time together simply by laughing!
Isn't that just like our heavenly Father? He is a God of abundant joy! That is who He is. He wants each of His children to experience that abundant joy and holy laughter as well. That joy flows from the depths of His heart and is always available to us as we tap into His Spirit.
The dictionary defines the word joy as: delight, jubilation, triumph, glee, exhilaration, exuberance and the list goes on. Those are all wonderful definitions and not something that is beyond our grasp. Of course through life we have many different emotions and sometimes that includes sorrow. But the good news is that we may also walk with a spirit of joy in Christ. That is ours for the taking!
His Word tells us.....

 "The Lord thy God
 in the midst of thee 
is mighty; 
he will save, he will rejoice
over thee with joy; 
he will rest in his love, 
he will joy over thee 
with singing." 
Zephaniah 3:17 

Our God is always in our midst and rejoices over His people with  great joy and singing. That we can always depend on and embrace His great desire to see us walk in abundant joy!!
In His Exuberant Joy! 
Sandy Billingham


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