
She Did What She Could..........Monday


I will shamelessly admit that I stole, ahem, I mean, "borrowed," that wonderful line from a bible study lesson. Jesus was dining at the home of Simon the leper, when a woman came in with a fancy and expensive bottle of perfume. She opened the bottle and poured the oil over Jesus' head. As the men in the room complained about her presence and her actions, AND her waste of a valuable resource, Jesus rebuked the men, and announced "She did what she could." (see Mark 14:8a)

When I have so many things to do, so many things I haven't even started, I become discouraged. If I can't even make a dent, I reason, then why do anything? But thinking of that verse, Jesus didn't say she did what she should. He said she did what she could.

What could I do? I could buy a frozen lasagna, a bag of salad, and a loaf of garlic bread for the family with a sick parent. I could call someone for a chat. I could invite someone to meet for tea. I could listen. I could smile. I could pray.

The men at the table continued to grumble, Jesus put them in their place by declaring:
Truly I tell you,
wherever the gospel is preached throughout the world,
what she has done will also be told, in memory of her. 
Mark 14:9 NASB

Jesus not only recognized what this woman had done for Him, but confirmed that He would remember what she had done. She didn't build a ministry, she didn't write books, she didn't write songs, nor speak at conferences. 

These are all wonderful things, but not all of us are called to do them; nor are they more important than anything else. They are just some of the pieces of the very large puzzle that is this life. Yet all of us are a piece of the puzzle, and what we do in love helps other's to fit in and find their place in His kingdom of love.

Don’t just think about your own affairs,
 but be interested in others, too, and in what they are doing.
Philippians 4:2 TLB

Right now, where you are at, where I am at? Can it be said of us, "She did what she could?"

Dear Lord, may Your love shine out of us in every little thing we do for You this day. In Jesus name, amen.

Written by
Mary Wilkins


  1. This is a very devotional that has strong impact. Do we just do what we want without considering things that we could do that might impact others. It gives a lot to think about.

    God Bless...

  2. Might our world, our community, our neighborhood, our home, our relationship with our children and our spouse just be a little better if we considered your devotional in all areas of our lives. Well let's start with those closest to us and see what kind of a ripple effect this will have in the ocean of our lives. Thanks Mary for the wonderful words today.
