


What will God say to my questions? However He answers, I will, in my life and in my heart, stand watch at my post. I will climb to the lookout tower, position myself in the guard post and scan the horizon of my future.

I will watch to see what He will say within me, what answer the Lord will make to my complaining questions. And I will consider what answer I will give to Him when I am reproved and corrected.
And then the Lord answered me.

He said “Write the vision down. Write what you see. Inscribe it on tablets in big letters and make it plain so that even when you run with it, the words can be read. Engrave it plainly so everyone who passes by is able to read it easily and quickly, even if they are in a hurry.

For the vision I give you is for an appointed time to come. The revelation is a witness pointing to the future. The message will not prove false. It will not deceive, lie, disappoint or fail.

If it delays, wait for it. If it tarries, wait earnestly for it. It will certainly come and not delay. Even if it seems slow in coming, wait. It is on its way and will come on its appointed day, right on time.”
Habakuk 2:1-3

Vision arrives like a box containing many packages. It takes time unpack and unwrap.
The vision of destiny for your entire life may be revealed all at once, yet it will take a lifetime to open, unwrapping one step at a time. We must understand that the vision of a lifetime is not given in one shot, but can come in small doses. Wisdom must be applied to write each one down and follow them in sequence. Otherwise, you will be discouraged when you are not seeing the results.

Joseph had a vision of greatness but started as a slave. David was anointed King but began as a servant to Saul. Elisha was called to replace Elijah but he began by pouring water on the hand of Elijah. Joshua was destined to lead Israel into the Promised Land but was at the foot of the mountain as a servant to Moses. Jesus came as the Savior of the world but He was the carpenter’s boy.

Vision that is from God must find a way to manifest, no matter what the obstacle or circumstances the carrier faces. Wait in obedience and faith as He leads you from one state to the other.

Where you are today does not define where you will be tomorrow. Our future and destiny are divinely controlled by the hand that crafted it

Seek for Him and follow His direction and you will not miss the destination. 

1 comment:

  1. We know that God has a plan for us. It is His vision for our lives. Sometimes coming slowly and peace meal and sometimes coming in a blast. What a gift to us that the Creator of the Universe thinks of us and has us in His plans.

    God bless...
