
"I Know That You See Me, Lord"

“He drew me up out of a horrible pit (a pit of tumult and of destruction), out of the miry clay (froth and slime), and set my feet upon a rock, steadying my steps and establishing my goings.”
Psalm 40:2 (amplified bible)

I know that You see me, Lord... trudging through life… walking in the mud and the muck. You can see that with each step I am becoming more and more encumbered. You see that I am bringing my loved ones and those around me with me. You know that I am only bringing them this way because I don’t know any other way!

I can’t clean the mud and the muck off by myself. But I know that You can, Lord. (1 John 1:7). I trust You. I know that You don’t mind “getting dirty” in order to cleanse me, or those around me. I feel so safe as You sit down next to me and begin to raise first my one foot, and then the other. You love me so much that You don’t just cleanse me, but You begin to show me the things that I’ve been trying so hard to walk in. You know what I’ve been taught, but You want to teach me a better way. You want to give me new way of understanding. You begin to talk to me about the shame that has held not only me back, but also those whom I love. You see that it has caused me to become hindered in my spiritual, emotional and relational progress.

I know that You, Lord, love me… and You speak truthfully to Me as You cleanse me. At first I feel ashamed for You to touch me… and I want to pull away. But as I look into Your eyes and feel the love in Your hands, I begin to trust You, along with work that You are doing in me. You are very gentle… and very kind. (Matthew 11:29)

You are also very thorough (Phil 1:6) and I love that You came to set me free. (Romans 6:22) I know that Your purpose is to teach me how to walk like You walk. I know that You don’t want to leave me behind, because You love me too much. I know that You want me to walk beside You, unencumbered… and unashamed. You want me to walk in the joy of my salvation and to bring others with me so that You can teach them how to walk unencumbered also.

You touch me so intimately and so lovingly, in the very place in which I walk out my life. You are so wise and so kind, Lord. You remind me that You will stay beside me and perhaps even more astounding is the fact that You actually take delight in me (Habbakuk 3:19). I know that You are very proud of the physical and spiritual progress that You see me making (II Sam 22:20). Your presence brings me the courage that I so desperately need, Lord and it helps me to be still and to know that You alone are God (Psalm 46:10).

You are mine, Lord… and I am yours. (SS 2:16) Now I know… once again that there is no other place that I’d rather be than right here with You (Psalm 26:8). I love You, Lord.

Written by Beverley A. Napier

1 comment:

  1. Beverley,

    So many scripture based reminders of who we are to God and what He wants to teach us and to give us. This brings deep thought and joy to think on the things you have pointed out.

