
Summer Seeker

Dear Lord, I am in summer seeking you. It is so very hot and I am so very dry. With all of my being I cry out for water. My throat is parched and I can not speak. I have no words to express my heart’s cry of yearning.

Jesus in you is life. You are the living water. In you I quench my thirst. I would drink of you. I would soak in your presence. Lord Jesus, rain down on me and saturate me, fill me. You bring healing to me and refresh my very being. In you I will find answers. In you I will find peace.

It is in the air. I smell it. It is a sweet fragrance. My spirit quickens and I start to run. Into the arms of Jesus I run. He holds me tight and whispers to me, “ It is beginning to rain”.

Written by Susan Bower

1 comment:

  1. Hi Susan,

    Thank you for this lovely prayer and for your willingness to participate. We look forward to more from you.

