
My Abba Father; My Refuge

I know that I am secure in the arms of Jesus. In Psalms 46:1 it says, God is our refuge and strength, A very present help in trouble. Regardless of the storms that may come my way, I find my strength and help in the Lord. I have no reason to fear, for the Lord has proven to me over and over that He is a reliable stronghold for me.

I find great comfort each day knowing that I can rely on God to be there for me. God tells me in His word that He will Hide me in the secret place of His presence. There is no better place that I want to be than in His presence, hidden away in the secret place!

David calls out to God in Psalm 17:8, "Hide me under the shadow of your wings." God's heart for His people is to keep us securely surrounded by His protective care.

It brings me great peace and security knowing that He is my Abba Father in whom is my refuge all the days of my life.

Written by Sandy

1 comment:

  1. Hi Sandy,

    It is such a relief and a blessing to know that God is there to provide shade and protection in hot, rainy, and cold times of our lives. Protection from any storm...Someone that we can rely on. Thanks and Blessings!
