
Prayer Really Matters!

God tells us in His word in 1 Peter 3:12 that" His eyes are on the righteous and His ears are open to their prayers." That tells me that God hears my prayers when my heart is right with Him. That greatly encourages me to spend time in prayer with God, and to continue consistently with right standing before Him. His word assures me that He is listening to my cries. Our prayers are going to the throne room and God receives our prayers and begins to move upon our prayers.

That takes a huge load off of my shoulders when I can give those prayers to the Father and He moves in His power and might!

We can trust God that He knows what is the very best for each situation. What great peace that gives us as we trust and stay focused on Christ.


Written by Sandy


  1. It is my joy to know that God hears my prayers as long as I remain faithful and do not reject that free gift of faith from him. Thanks for this reading!

  2. This is an awesome thought...thank you for sharing!

