
Do Something For God

Thursday, August 12, 2010

I am folding laundry while my children eat breakfast. Zack is 5, Elizabeth is 2 ½ and Caleb is 1. As they play with their cereal and each other, my mind is elsewhere. I am talking to the Lord in my head and asking, “What is my calling? What can I do for You?” As I look around me I notice the dirty stove and a sink full of dishes. Shoulders slumped and sighing, I imagine teaching women about the power of the love of God. The phone ring

Like a wisp of cloud, the daydream is gone, for the moment… “Hello, good morning, yes, uh huh, right okay…got it…Michael, 34, accident…yes, of course…doctors, family…thanks for calling… I will.”

I put the baby in his walker and send the others to brush their teeth. As I start the laundry, again, I say a prayer for Michael. Then the visions of working especially for Him fill my mind, overlapping thoughts and imaginations of glorious accomplishments– suddenly the haze lifts and these scenes are different yet clear and bright.

I see cleaning, caring, washing, folding, reading, cooking, bathing, wiping, watching, praying…the many things that fill a mother’s week. A voice in my head says, “You are doing it!"

“But I want to do something special and big for You, Lord. I know I have a calling. What is it?”

“Caring for these children is your calling.”

As sunny as my imaginations have been - this picture is even brighter. Having children is a calling? I have children; therefore, my calling is to teach them to love and respect God. My responsibility is my calling, hmm.

As I mull this thought in my head. It clicks into place in my heart. I am both relieved to know my calling and yet disappointed that it doesn’t include something else (a little more grand). At this point, the radio teachings and books of Focus on the Family bear fruit – for even in my disappointment, I know in my heart this is an extremely high calling.

Sixteen years later, I am convinced of the accuracy of this calling in this continued season in my life. I have not always kept my focus where it belonged but God has graciously forgiven me and set me back on the path many times.
“For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD,
"Plans to prosper you and not to harm you,
plans to give you hope and a future.”
Jeremiah 29:11 (NIV)

Written by Mary M. Wilkins

For more info on the encouraging ministry of Focus on the Family: http://www.family.org/

1 comment:

  1. Hi Mary,

    This is a wonderful write about the Mom Path and what an awesome and blessed career it is. I also chose to be at home with my children, and anything I did was done from my home. Some women do not have this privilege, but the important thing is to step up to the plate and have quality time that includes teaching the children the things that matter to you.

