
“Something Wonderful Happened This Morning”

August 13, 2010
 Something wonderful happened this morning. As I was waiting for the water to get hot so I could make myself a cup of tea, I happened to glance out the window. Just then I saw a little bird make its way into a corner of our porch where it had made its nest. It didn’t stay in the nest as it usually does, but it flew down onto the arm of a chair and then hopped itself down onto the ground.

Since I wanted to see what that little bird was up to, I moved over to the window to get a clearer picture. It was then that I saw the rainbow. Pale at first, it seemed to deepen in color as I watched. The amazing vividness of the colors and the majestic “arch” that they were arranged in seemed to speak to me.

The first thought that came into my heart was that God’s promises are true. No matter what the circumstances of our life are… it does not change the fact that His promises stand. They are not held up by our thoughts, our feelings or our own beliefs about something… or someone. They simply stand… self supported by the One Who made them.

The second thing that I realized was that I was in my kitchen, doing my own thing when my attention was stirred to come to the window. This showed me that God Himself will bring us to the place that we need to be to see the evidence and reminder of His great promises to us.
All I could think of was how so many of my friends and loved ones seem to be really struggling right now. As I thought about how many different ways and situations there are for people to struggle… I was calmed by the thought of what had just happened.

I was reassured that even in those seemingly helpless situations, that it was God’s faithfulness to “stir” us up and to bring us to the place of hope in His promises … right in the midst of whatever it is that is troubling us. He is a Good God and a Faithful Friend. He is constant in His love for us and His heart is forever towards us. He knows where our struggles are and He is concerned with everything that concerns us.

He is not One to stand idly by… but to stir our hearts and minds and to bring us to the place of peace in Him once again. In His kindness He reassures us of His great love and sacrifice for us. You see, He also was “stirred” by His Father to “come to the window” and to see the truth. He saw the need for a greater promise… and a better way. So He Himself became that great promise for us. He laid down His life that we might live… that we might become a people of everlasting life and hope… and that we might join Him in the place where His glory dwells.

Until the day when we can join Him, He instead will be joining us. He will be with us in the midst of whatever is going on in our lives… good or not quite so good, happy or not quite so happy, hopeful or not quite so hopeful. The point is that He is surely with us. I think He just wanted each one of us to know that today.

“For God so greatly loved and dearly prized the world that He (even) gave up His only begotten (unique) Son , so that whoever believes in (trusts in, clings to, relies on) Him shall not perish (come to destruction, be lost) but have eternal (everlasting) life”.
John 3:16 (Amplified Bible)

“And now, Lord, what do I wait for and expect?
My hope and expectation are in You.
Psalm 39:7 (Amplified Bible)

Written by Beverley A. Napier


  1. Beautiful reminder of God's promise to always be with us!

  2. I am so thankful God's word and promises are always!

  3. It is so amazing when we notice and realize that the Creator of the Universe is speaking to us and notices what we are doing

