
He Trains My Hands

"He trains my hands for war, so that my arms can bend a bow of bronze.
You have also given me the shield of Your salvation;
and Your condescension and gentleness have made me great.”
 II Samuel 22:35 and 36 Amplified Bible

My personal Trainer has these two small rubber “pillows” that are only partially inflated. She places them on the floor and has me stand on them while I am lifting weights. The first few times I tried this (without the weights), I could not keep my balance and had to hold onto something for stability. She explained to me that she was placing me on an “unstable” surface in order to strengthen my “core” in its ability to stabilize me. I found this quite interesting and I could feel all of the strength that it took for me to focus in on the place that was keeping me stable.

After awhile, and true to my Trainer’s purpose in leading me, I was not only able to stand still and stable upon that place of instability, but come to find out, I was also able to maneuver some “added” weight upon this place. Now, isn’t it curious to think that this is exactly what God does with us? He takes those very places of instability in our lives and He teaches us how to “focus” in on His ability to stabilize us, and to keep us from falling head first into whatever it is that we find ourselves in. Whether it is shame, disappointment, addiction, resentment, hopelessness or pain, He gives us the ability to stand stable with our hope fixed on His love, His strength, and His ability to save us.

One of my Trainer’s favorite phrases is “lengthen and strengthen”. As she challenges me to reach further into my abilities to do certain things, she knows that she is helping me to become stronger. She is helping me to gain strength in my physical body, and also in my mind as well. That is the same with God. As He allows us to pass through times of struggle in our lives, He does not allow them to be of no value. His purpose is always to “strengthen” us in our ability to endure. He also causes us to become “lengthened” in our ability to influence those that He has placed around us.

Today I am so thankful for my Trainers, not only my earthly one who walks beside me and helps me to accomplish so much more than I ever thought I could, but also for my “Heavenly” Trainer as well. For it is in Him alone in which I find my strength. He is the only one Who gives me the courage that I need to go on. He is the only one Who gives me that wonderful sense of peace, and with such a strong and gentle whisper, breathes His purpose into my heart and life.

Written by Beverley A Napier

1 comment:

  1. He IS an awesome Trainer to be sure, and it is good that you place yourself in His arms and allow His training. I have been thinking a lot about this devotional.

    Thanks Beverley and blessings!
