
It Is Finished

Over the years, I have struggled to come to a place of forgetting my past sins, forgiving myself for them and accepting that God truly has wiped them all away. It’s been quite a struggle, and He’s used many different ways to help come to this assurance.

I remember having a conversation with Him one day while pondering the way I discipline my children. My four kids are almost all past the age of spankings now, but for quite some years, I felt like I was constantly marching them into the master bedroom to follow through with the dreaded “switch”.

It was always most difficult for the littlest ones to understand that after such agony, they were still loved and the spanking was over. They would often become so worked up inside, I would find it necessary to convince them.

“All done,” is what I would say to which they would repeat back to me as a question, “All done?”

“All done,” I would say again and again if needed as sometimes I couldn’t be heard over their crying. Though their unbelieving tone would break my heart, I would calmly continue to assure them that their spanking was over. They would catch their breath, gather their emotions, embrace my hug and finally skip off to get back to their day.

“God,” I said, “Why can’t I literally hear those words from you? I seem to be so worked up in my anguish that I just don’t get it.”

“You’ve forgotten,” He responded, “I did literally say it. Remember? I was on the cross. I said…

‘It is finished….’

Amie Spruiell 9-17-2010

1 comment:

  1. Forgiveness of self is the most difficult thing for people to do. We see our own underbelly and so we are hard on ourselves. Even when we try to do it we let it go and then grab it back. Great food for thought here Amie.

    Thanks and blessings!
