

"Listen and be wise, and keep your heart on the right path." Proverbs 23:19

Sometimes it is hard to listen - sometimes we are so busy talking to God, asking questions, telling him our concerns, requesting blessings, or even praising him that we forget to listen to what He has to say. We forget to just "be still" as in meditation.

"Be still, and know that I am God..." Psalm 46:10

Sometimes listening is hard because there is so much "background noise" in our lives, it is drowning out the Lord's voice. We may be "listening" to everything and everyone else but not God. We need to focus back on God and listen to his word through Bible study.

Other times, we may have "damaged" hearing - our life experiences may have been difficult; we may have learned false things about God and his love for us. We can pray for clarity and God will grant it, in his time.

God loves us and wants what is best for us. We can come to him with all our troubles and concerns as well as our joys and praises.... now through meditation, Bible study and after prayer while we await his answer we need to listen!

Written by Jan A

1 comment:

  1. We have the best example to follow in God who listens to everything we have to say, and even listens to our heart when we don't know what to say, and his Spirit prays for us in groans that words cannot express!
