
You Are The Light Of The World

Monday, October 25, 2010 Devotional

I was shopping for cleaning supplies the other day in Target Department store. I happened upon the frozen food cases. Normally I don't purchase groceries at Target. However, that day I was prompted to stroll down the isle to "check out" the frozen food prices and available varieties. The food case section was somewhat deserted and noticeably dark. There was a rather erie feeling about the area. As I set my foot onto the isle I was startled as a light switched on in the first section of the frozen food case. As I proceeded down the isle each section ahead of me suddenly lit up. After my initial surprise, I began to delight in the power I seemed to wield as I set my foot down and a once darkened freezer case became illuminated showing off its wares.

The Holy Spirit immediately quickened to me that this is the effect that we as believers should have as we encounter a spiritually bankrupt and darkened world. When we walk into a room of people it should be flooded with the light of Christ's love. As we fill our hearts with God's love through prayer, praise and Bible reading we can radiate our hope and joy to the lost, lonely and hurting people with whom we come in contact. Our mere presence can transform an ungodly situation into a victorious one.
There are times when we cannot seem to find the right words of comfort or encouragement, however a beaming smile and gentle touch can bring the joy of the Lord to a downcast soul. And as others see the light and life of Jesus in us, perhaps we will open the door of their hearts to inquire about the source of our hope and peace.

"Every place on which the sole of your foot treads shall be yours." Deuteronomy 11:24 (ESV)

"You are the light of the world. A city on a hill cannot be hidden." Matthew 5:14 (NIV)

Written by CF

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