
Turn Your eyes Upon Jesus

There is a beautiful song we used to sing which goes as follows:

Turn your eyes upon Jesus;
Look full in His wonderful face;
And the things on earth, will grow strangely dim;
In the light of His glory and grace.

I have found in my life as I walk through trials and turbulent times, that when I focus on my problem, I am in big trouble.Discouragement and hopelessness can set in very quickly. The more I focus on the situation the deeper I sink into a pit of despair.

The good news is that when I fix my eyes on Jesus and rejoice in Him, hope begins to well up. I have a whole different focus when I trust in Him and in His promises. I am strengthened in Him and confident the the Lord will see me through the situation. He will take care of me and give me a way out. He is so much bigger than any mountain in my life. I can rejoice in Him and cling to Him with victory on the horizon!

I choose to "turn my eyes upon Jesus" for He is the author and finisher of my faith.


Written by Sandy


  1. Your devotional was perfect timing for me. Life often brings us struggles - I need to place my eyes on Jesus.
    Patty B.

  2. When we take our eyes off God we end up being like the last skater in the line where the center skater barely has to turn. The last skater is skating like crazy trying to keep up.

    Good thoughts here Sandy
