
What Are You Saying?

Devotional for October 21st

Do you ever forward emails? You know the ones with the cute pictures of puppies and kittens, or babies and dogs. Or do you read the warnings concerning our health, the government or even our computers? Be honest, how many emails do you forward? How many forwards do you read? I was just reading some of these forwards and I noticed two things about myself. One, I am lazy. Two, it is so easy for me to believe what I read when it’s on the computer.

The lazy factor comes as no surprise to me. I read an email subject line that said even lazy people can lose weight. Even though my brain knows that it’s a trick or play on words, my heart starts beating hopefully as I click the link to read the article to see what lazy thing I might do to lose my unwanted pounds. I am laughing at myself as I read how important it is to get the proper amount of sleep each night (6-8 hours for most people) and that in the case of sleep, more is not better. Sigh, isn’t that always the way?

As for believing what I read it is a two-edged sword. We have all been taught that something is only as reliable as its source. It is already time-consuming to read something. To then take more time to double check the truth of every item by reading yet another article makes me start to wonder if it is worth reading anything in the first place. I will keep reading. When I read a forward that offers advice, before swallowing it, I check one of the research sites that checks into the truth of emails that currently circulate through our inboxes. But even in those instances, each site can only be as unbiased and balanced as their research.

Fortunately, or rather, amazingly, there is a plenty of reading available that does not need to be double-checked. The bible is full of history, drama, warnings and even humor in the midst of crisis. The pictures are word pictures. The humor can be ironic, embarrassing or sad. Really, how stubborn was Jonah that he hung out for three days in the stomach of the great fish before he prayed to God? How about a mom mortification moment to liven up an event? The scene is the last supper; the disciples know it is a special time. It is the Passover meal, Jesus has been washing each of their feet as they recline at the table and teaching them about leadership and what is to come. In a classic show of mankind’s self-focus, there is a sidebar discussion at the table about which of them is the greatest. All I am going to say is that I think it was a good thing that no parents were present at the meal! Of course, I know if I had been there, I would have been just as puffed up and prideful as others.

Reliable reading/information is available to us. It is His Word. Open it up and see what word picture is waiting for you today. No need to wonder if you can believe it. He is faithful and true. He loves you. His Word is the map that will lead you to the right path, encourage you to persevere when you are going the correct way, and warn you when you are on the wrong path or near a slippery slope.

What did you say? You already know that and believe it, too. That is excellent. Then I will ask you what I have been asked for the last few weeks in my bible study: are you living like you believe God’s word is true? Actions speak louder than words. What do your actions say about you?

Proverbs 23:7: For as he thinks within himself, so he is. (NASB)

James 1:26: If you claim to be religious but don’t control your tongue, you are fooling yourself, and your religion is worthless. (NLT)

1 John 1:8-10: If we claim we have no sin, we are only fooling ourselves and not living in the truth. But if we confess our sins to him, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all wickedness. If we claim we have not sinned, we are calling God a liar and showing that his word has no place in our hearts. (NLT)

I am taking an honest look at what my actions say about what I believe and it is humbling. Thankfully God is willing to help anyone who will ask Him. Are you ready to ask?

Written by Mary M. Wilkins


  1. We often go everywhere else for advise - thanks for the reminder that seeking God and His Word s/b our first priority.
    Patty B.

  2. I agree Mary...we need to go to the Source...and that source is The Word...we get so boggled in all that gobbley gook that comes in emails from so called experts.

    Refering to the top Expert is the better way.

