
God Is The Master Planner

Wednesday, December 1, 2010 Devotional

Our God is amazing how He sees to it that He works all things out according to what He has purposed for us at a specific time in our life.

Scripture says in 2 Thessalonians 2:17 comfort your hearts and establish you in every good word and work. God is the one that will establish in us a good word and work as we trust in Him. There are times we think we know what is best for our life, but the good news is that God knows what is the very best for us. We may have in our hearts a certain plan in which we are ready to launch out in. Take heart, if we are seeking God and crying out to Him, He will rearrange and change and adjust plans according to His plan for us.

That is how much He cares for us. He will set things in motion and establish that work on our behalf. He knows all that needs to happen, all the dynamics in order to establish the best plan and best work for you and me.

We can be assured that we are in the best of hands for God is the "Ultimate Master Planner."

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