
A Little Bit of Yourself this Christmas

It started innocently enough with a cell phone. I could more easily let my young teenager off of the proverbial leash knowing he could reach us and we could reach him. A few years later I briefly resisted texting until I realized how much it could open up conversation with my older teen. At a time when 2 words could not be said without tempers flaring, texting provided a safe zone for discussion. Comments on a screen could be exchanged without emotion as long as I chose my words thoughtfully.

The computer is another great tool for measuring my words with care before sending them off into the wild blue yonder. One of the things I especially appreciate about this technology is the ability to send messages in an instant to family and friends all over. Just as I chose my words carefully while texting, I want to share my thoughts and best wishes for others in a way that will mean something special to them.

I know there are a few people who actually want to hear everything the kids have been doing and how well everything is going at work. However, if my goal of sending Christmas wishes is to let people know that I love and care about them, then that’s another story altogether.

Instead of an email ‘all about us’ I will need to reach out to them by expressing affection and appreciation. Hopefully in the process, I will be a little water jug of God’s love, pouring out His grace and tenderness. Not by preaching at them with scriptures, quoting the latest book or by being unbelievably positive but by telling them that I care about them. Warning: flattery must be avoided at all costs. People can see right through it and it is more offensive than if they had not heard from you at all. Trust me, I know this from experience.

The emotional effort of writing something personal takes time and thoughtful consideration. Although as one who has received such a kindness, I can tell you, it is time well spent. There is nothing more nurturing to a relationship than to share your feelings through words. Whether you send a card, a text or an email I hope you’ll put a little bit of yourself in each of your best wishes this season.

Proverbs 18:20-22 (MSG)
Words satisfy the mind as much as fruit does the stomach;
 good talk is as gratifying as a good harvest.
Words kill, words give life; they're either poison or fruit—
you choose.

Romans 14:19 (MSG)
So let's agree to use all our energy in getting along with each other.
Help others with encouraging words; don't drag them down by finding fault.

Written by Mary M. Wilkins

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