
Pay It Forward

I like that phrase. It makes me think of the movie (based on a book) of the same name. It’s a moving story that reveals human nature in both its beauty and its ugliness. The idea of doing nice things for someone because someone else did a nice thing for you is a great concept. Can it be done? Here is an example of how it played out in my own life one morning.

“Lord, I can’t forgive them for this!”

I hear “Yes, you can,” firmly but softly in my heart.

I am in my room with the door shut. I am so angry that I want to yell, rant and accuse. But this week I have made a commitment to walk away and pray when I get angry. Why am I angry? My child has lied to me. Again.

Sitting on the side of my bed I am crying and raging at God that I cannot possibly forgive my child. Immediately I hear in my head, “Yes, you can.”

“No,” I answer emphatically, “It’s too big of a lie; it’s too bad of a lie.”

Again the words come, “Yes, you can.” An awareness of my own sinfulness and God’s patience and forgiveness towards me brings a blush of remembrance across my face. Sighing with understanding, my heart says, “Okay” as I give in.

My heart opens and I feel myself accept God’s peace. I am better but wishing I didn’t have to deal with this. With a little self-pity, I conclude, “Yes, I will forgive my child. But it’s so hard, Lord, to have a child who lies.”

God is silent. The irony of what I have said to my Father in heaven is not lost on me. I have just complained to the Living God about my lying child when I am God’s own lying child. No matter how long I walk with Him, every day I need God’s forgiveness.

For if you forgive others for their transgressions,
your heavenly Father will also forgive you
But if you do not forgive others,
 then your Father will not forgive your transgressions.
Matthew 6:14-15 (NASB)

Written by Mary M. Wilkins

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