
Transformation Power Of God

My God never seizes to amaze me what He can do through His power. I have recently been taking a class on, "in a nutshell" having a healthier relationship with Christ. It has been a wonderful class and incredible to watch what God is doing in myself as well as each person in the class.

God is in the business of transforming our life so He can be given the glory and others would be drawn to Him as well. One particular gal in our class started out withdrawn,sullen, oppressed and extremely discouraged. Little by little, week by week, month by month there has been a dramatic change in her life. You see Carol was desperate for God. She was a believer but not embracing what God had for her. She began to allow God to change her heart as she began to seek His face and cry out for help. She was willing to forgive and release past hurts and open her life more fully to God. She chose to daily renew her mind by the word of God and have that mind of Christ. Carol chose to obey God's word and walk in His ways and fellowship with God. Rather than stay isolated and dwell on the negative, she chose to dwell on God's word and immerse herself with God's people.

The Lord has transformed Carol's life dramatically. Only God can do that. In Romans 12:2 it says, "And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God." I am so thankful for God's transformation power!


Written by Sandy

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