
Walking With The Lord Is Where I Want To Be

I am an outdoors kind of person, so naturally I try to spend time there. Daily I walk about two miles in our neighborhood. I choose to walk consistently,so my body can stay strong and my heart can be strengthened. There are some days I wake up in the morning and I would just as soon stay in bed rather than get up and walk. Then there are days that I can't wait to get up and get outside to enjoy the fresh air and the sunshine. I choose to discipline myself and go walk regardless if I feel like it or not, because I know it is good for me and my body will benifit greatly from walking.

The same things applies in many ways as with my walk with the Lord. I love the Lord dearly, but to be honest, there are times I don't always feel like strengthening my spiritual muscles and allowing God to strengthen my heart. Instead of reading God's word or spending time with Him, sometimes I would rather be sleeping or watching a favorite TV program or reading a good book. But I know that in order to maintain a strong, healthy relationship with God, I must choose to walk closely with Him and spend quality time with Him in His word and at His feet.

Physical walking pays off and has many great dividends, but I would have to say walking with the Lord and in His ways, the dividends are far greater! He is worth it all!

Colossians 1:10 "That you may walk worthy of the Lord, fully pleasing Him, being fruitful in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God; strengthened with all might, according to His glorious power, for all patience and longsuffering with joy."

Rich Blessings,

Written by Sandy

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