

"Knock, and it shall be opened unto you."
- Matthew 7:7

Knock, knock! My little niece knocked on her own front door. “Come in!” her daddy said as he opened the door. She laughed gleefully and, still standing on the porch, she closed the door. Knock, knock! Daddy opened the door again, only to get another giggle and see the door close once more. On and on, the game went. To a two-year-old, this was quite a delightful activity!
When we knock, spiritually speaking, we have a Heavenly Father who is faithful to open the door to us. He wants us to enter into His presence and spend time with Him. However, when we get down to pray, might we sometimes “knock,” only to leave as soon as, or even before, our Heavenly Father opens the door? Or do we take the time to actually go into His presence and spend time with Him.
Often, many of the prayers we pray are quick, saying, “Lord, please help me with this,” or “Lord, thank You for that,” as we go about our day. Those prayers are important because they keep us in touch with Him even when we cannot be on our knees. But how important it is to regularly knock on Heaven’s door and enter into the presence of the Lord for some extended time!
Someday my little niece will grow up and move away from home. When that time comes, she will come knocking on her daddy’s door once again. Then, however, it will not be a game, it will be to enter into his house to visit with him. How does our prayer life compare? Are we like a child who knocks and is content to just have the door opened, or do we knock with the intent to enter in? Let’s challenge ourselves to grow by God’s grace. Let’s learn to tarry in His presence. If we do, we will find great blessing there!
Lord, thank You for being so faithful to open the door when I knock. Please help me to remember that this open door is not the end, but just the beginning of our time together!

Shared by Corinne Mustafa

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