
Welcome Me Under Your Wings

Devotional for 11/14

“As a hen gathers her chicks…”
Matthew 23:37

By Jill Briscoe

David prayed, “Keep me as the apple of Your eye; hide me under the shadow of Your wings, from the wicked who oppress me, from my deadly enemies who surround me” (Ps.17:8-9

David looked for a secret place of security and found a ready refuge in God. “Yea,” cried David, “in the shadow of Your wings I will make my refuge until these calamities have passed by” (Ps. 57:1). These “calamities” were the results of David's disastrous relationship with King Saul, who had forced David to run for his life and hide in the caves of the rock.

Do you know where to go in the midst of your calamities? Is there a familiar saving shadow known to your spirit? When Jesus walked our earth, He described men as chickens chased by calamities, running around in circles, scattering in every direction. Christ longed to gather men and women under His wonderful wings of love – but they “would not.” It’s a silly chicken who would rather be chased by calamity than be sheltered by the Christ, but it is my sad conclusion that our world is populated with such weird birds! Are you “under His wings” or “out in the storm”? The choice is yours.

When I received news of my father’s death, my first reaction was to call a friend, summon my children to comfort me—to enlist support. But I remembered His wings, and ran to Him. Then peace came!

We need to pray,
“Lord Jesus, shelter me in Your shadow,
welcome me under Your wings—till these calamities be passed.”

shared by Corinne Mustafa

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