

Large hands, strong, sinewy.
Kind eyes, full of compassion.
Locks of hair falling over forehead.

Body, hard and full of work.
Walking, He moves smoothly through the crowd

As if one of them, though not quite.
Unobtrusive manner, yet uniquely He stands apart.
Those He touches know instantly He is the One.

He has no money though
His majestic air permeates,
And authority is present.

His voice commands attention
In a way other than volume.

He often upsets the balance in
His friends' minds of who He is.
He and only He can ascend
To the heights of His calling.
Those eyes full of love and understanding
Now absorbing the crowd who has come to watch.

They look down the long road
Of time and rest upon me
For as Iong as it takes.

He knows I am His forever.
The victory is in His reach now.
Many through the ages will know it and claim it.
The serpent crawls away.
Confused, but sensing defeat.

Darkness, darkness,
Then light bursting,
Calling forth freedom.

Liberty is proclaimed for the captives.
The work completed.
Easter Morning!

Written by Linda Garrett

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