
“So Many Stones”

Devotional for 3/11/11

“Now on the first day of the week,
 Mary Magdalene came to the tomb early,
while it was still dark, and saw that
the stone had been removed from
 (lifted out of the groove
across the entrance of) the tomb.”
John 20:1
Amplified Bible

Here we see a picture of Mary visiting the place that she knew her Lord was, yet she had been unable to get to Him. There was a huge stone in the way. The stone was too big for her to remove. The stone was too large for her to see above, under or even on the sides of it.

What are some of the “stones” that we have in our own lives? What is it that keeps us a “stone” away from reaching our Lord? Could it be that we could get to Him if we could just seem to remove that which was “in our way?”

Mary didn’t understand that even as she was mourning the loss of her Lord, His resurrection was already taking place! Just because she was unable to see it happening… did not mean that it wasn’t taking place! Her vision had been blocked by the stone.

How many times has a “stone” of “this” or a “stone” of “that” blocked our own vision of what the Lord was doing on our behalf? Is it possible that we allow the “stones” of this life to wedge their way into our lives and block our own access to the Lord.

What about the “stones” of rejection or fear? How about the “stones” of being busy or the “stone” of guilt? Perhaps the “stones” of unbelief or weariness, the “lack of faith” stones that can be found right next to the “worry” stones or the “hopeless” stones. Have any of you ever found a “poor me” stone tucked carefully away into a private place in your heart? How about the “why is it always me that has to do it” stone… or the “if they only knew” stone or the “nobody will understand” stone? Maybe the “they don’t know what I’m dealing with” stone, or the “stone” of resentment?

So many stones! How do we get to the Lord with all of these stones in the way? But wait, didn’t that verse say that the “stone had been removed?” Yes, it did… and yes, it still does!

This is where we find our renewed hope and vision! We have been given special entry into the very place that our Lord is. He has paid the price for our access! The “way” is no longer blocked!

Hebrews 4:16 says,
“Let us then fearlessly and confidently and boldly draw near
to the throne of grace (the throne of God’s unmerited favor to us sinners),
 that we may receive mercy (for our failures)
and find grace to help in good time for every need
(appropriate help and well-timed help, coming just when we need it).

I pray that as the Holy Spirit prepares us for the way he wants us to walk in this life that we will allow Him to show us any “stones” that we may have in our hearts. I pray that we would allow Him free access to do the work in us and with His help, so that He may be able to move more freely through us, for the purpose of being a help to others. I believe with my whole heart that His work will begin first in us, and that it will then flow through us, if we are willing.

“Create in me a clean heart, O God,
 and renew a right, persevering, and steadfast spirit within me.”
Psalm 51:10

By Beverley A. Napier

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