

Devotional for 3/10/11


Have you ever stopped in the midst of your busy life and thought, “I’m sorry, Lord. But I’m too busy for You today”? I’m sorry to say this but I have many times. My heart sinks with sorrow when I say such a thing to the One who has given me everything.

What should I do? Squeeze God into my day? Sometimes I just need it boiled down to the basics especially when my plate is full. What is it that God really wants from me?

Seek first the kingdom of God, and His righteousness…..
Matthew 6:33.

In each thing I do, whether it’s changing a diaper, answering the phone or completing an assignment, I will follow through with a good attitude. When I do this I can let go of worries, concerns or fear of what is to come. The rest of this verse assures me that if I keep my focus on living and doing what is right, He will handle the rest.

Forgive others, so I can be forgiven…..
Matthew 6:14.

This is probably harder than keeping a good attitude, but it can be done. The key to forgiveness is not just telling myself I forgive someone. I must humble myself with the reminder that I am not perfect, and need forgiveness also. If I want God’s forgiveness, I better dish out plenty of forgiveness to others.

One way I test myself to see how I’m doing in the forgiveness department is to imagine that something bad has happened to my brother (friend, coworker, husband, mother, enemy). If I feel a little leap up of any kind, even for a second, I know I am holding onto resentment. I stop right there, ask God to forgive me for not truly forgiving them, and then I say to the Lord, “I can’t do this on my own, please reach inside of me and remove this resentment and bitterness. Thank You.” From that point forward whenever that person comes to mind, I say to myself, I love them because God loves them, I have forgiven them by God’s strength. I pray that God will bless them with peace and contentment.

That may sound like a lot of work, but without it the weed of unforgiveness will choke the life out of you.

Love your neighbor as yourself…..
Matthew 22:39.

The most basic form of loving others is to be kind and patient. Letting others go first, holding the door for the next person walking in, not responding in anger when they do something wrong or stupid, smiling kindly when someone looks around for support or understanding, instead of looking away are a few real-life examples.

If I choose to do things with loving thoughts and a kind manner because God loves me and has given me this day to live, then His love will replace my own selfish tendencies. I will no longer be trying to squeeze God into my schedule. He will be part of every aspect of my day.

Written by Mary M. Wilkins

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