
Take Up Your Bed And Walk

Wednesday, March 16, 2011 Devotional

So what areas in your life is God calling you to arise and take up your bed and walk? In the book of Matthew chapter 9:1-8, Jesus forgave and healed a paralytic. He was set free and told to go home. Just like that, Jesus mercifully touched his life and it was changed forever. What about you and what about me? In what areas are we needing forgiveness and to be healed?

Maybe in the area of worrying, or not trusting God, or gossiping about that lady that rubs you the wrong way. Or how about having unforgiveness towards that person that wronged us several years ago. It might even be that anger problem you have, that you have neve been able to get under control.

Jesus is standing by ready to graciously meet your needs. Allow the Holy Spirit to do a work in your heart today, and draw close to the Father. Alow Him to do that deep cleansing work in your life.

Jesus is waiting to say to His daughter, "Be of good cheer; yours sins are forgiven you. Take up your bed and walk." Just as He did for the paralytic, He too wants to set you free forever!

Written By Sandy

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