
Why Irish Eyes Are Smiling

“Saint Patrick was born in Great Britain when it was ruled by the Roman Empire. He came from a wealthy family.He followed in the footsteps of his father and grandfather and eventually became a bishop. He became a missionary to Ireland.There are only two surviving written documents that are credited to Saint Patrick. Both of them are letters. One of the letters is a mini autobiographical account of Saint Patrick's life and his work with the church. Patrick was very successful at converting the Irish to Christianity. He even converted the wealthy and members of royalty.”

Saint Patrick survived some very negative circumstances in his life. He also suffered some severe persecution as a result of his Christian faith and missionary efforts.

He is an inspirational figure as we witness for Christ in our own lives. Amidst the Saint Patrick's day celebrations this season it is good to stop and reflect on Saint Patrick's life and his spiritual contributions to the nation of Ireland.

Shared by Cathy ~

-St. Patrick Facts

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