
"In His Time"

Wednesday, April 6, 2011 Devotional

There is a song I used to worship to awhile back, and the chorus went like this; In His time, in His time, He makes all things beautiful in His time. I find those words to be true in my life and others in many ways. For there have been many times in my life I have wanted to say to the Lord, "Can you fix this person or this situation right now Lord?" Wouldn't that make life just a bit easier if our Lord would do that "quick fix" every time we asked Him too? Fortunately for our good, our prayers are not always answered instantaneously.
Many times during our trials and tribulations,God has much He wants to show us. He wants to show us His ways and teach us some deep truths as we walk the process out with Him. He wants us to call out to Him and put our ear to His mouth, so we can hear His voice and allow Him to give us wisdom and understanding on what we need to do.

A portion of the scripture out of Micah 4:2 says "Come let us go up to the mountain of the Lord, to the house of the God of Jacob; He will teach us His ways, And we shall walk in his paths." God will be faithful to teach us His ways in every situation we face. And we can be assured that He will speak to our hearts and strengthen us along the way. We know God will take care of all things "In His Time."

Written by Sandy

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