

Monday, April 4, 2011 Devotional

Many Christians today do not have time to serve in formal church ministries. Sometimes they cannot find an organized ministry which is a good fit for them. However, we can all participate in what I call the "ministry of smiles." A long time ago I felt the Lord prompting me to make any contact I have with outside world a mission of love.

San Jose, California, where I reside, is a large sprawling metropolis. While touted as a relatively safe big city, my experience is that is short on friendliness and love. Simple shopping trips can be extremely stressful as you battle huge crowds in the stores and compete for precious parking spots in the lots and multistory garages. I pray for grace, patience and love on each marketing excursion. I make it a point to give an amiable smile whenever it is appropriate. I let others go ahead of me in grocery lines if they have a limited number of items to check. I refrain from participating in the grumbling and complaining which takes place by customers waiting their turn in line. I pray for and compliment new clerks who are "learning the ropes." I pick up and return to the shelves clothing etc. which others have dropped on the floor in department stores. I take advantage of any opportunity which presents itself to show kindness and love while I'm "out in the jungle." At the risk of sounding like a "goody two shoes" I just want to share what I feel the Lord has called me to do. I sense it is important to Him. I believe it grieves God's heart that people's lives are so overextended that they do not have time or the grace to be kind to one another.

It seems like a simple task but I think it has a great impact in changing the emotional and spiritual atmosphere around us. Who knows what problems a smile and simple courtesy may prevent in a congested store or parking lot. Negative emotions escalate easily especially in stressful situations. Some common kindness, pleasant words and peaceful body language can go a long way in bringing calm and even joy to a world in need of God's love.

There is a beautiful hymn written by Peter Scholtes called "They'll Know We Are Christians By Our Love." This song's title itself is an inspiration for "the ministry of smiles."

Written by CF

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