
Little Glory

Little Glory

“Even everyone who is called by My name,
whom I have created for My glory,
whom I have formed, whom I have made.”
Isaiah 43 verse 7
Amplified Bible

Once upon a time, in a land not so far away… there lived a rare and beautiful flower. This little flower had bright yellow petals and an all white center. She was a very special flower, and her Maker loved her so much that He gave her a special name. He named her “Little Glory.”

Now, Little Glory knew in her heart that her Maker loved her, but she did not always feel “special.” In fact, she really felt very different, especially when she was around the rest of the flowers. You see, she did not live in a flower bed, like they did. Instead, she lived in a bed of ivy, where it was much harder to grow.

Sometimes Little Glory would see them all together. They would be laughing and playing together in their flower beds, and they would not seem to notice her. Little Glory did not understand why she felt so sad or alone. But she would still try very hard to be happy.

After awhile, even though she tried very hard to be brave, Little Glory’s head began to droop and her all white center felt very heavy. “I don’t want to be different” she would think to herself. Sometimes, Little Glory would try very hard to be just like the other flowers, but that never seemed to work. In the end, she was always “Little Glory” and she was always different.

“I don’t want to be me!” she cried. “I don’t want to live here in the middle of all of this ivy.” Then Little Glory began to cry. She cried so hard she thought her stem would break. That is when it happened. Little Glory felt the brightness of her Maker’s light all around her. “Do not cry, Little Glory,” He said. “You are not alone. You see, I am with you.” Still Little Glory did not lift her head. “But I am so different” she said in a very small voice. “Yes!” her Maker said, “That is why you are so special to Me. Please look at Me, Little Glory.” And He put His gentle hand under her petals and lifted her head.

“There are some things that I want you to understand. You see, every day I walk through My garden, and I am pleased. I see all of my flowers, bright and cheerful in their beds, and I smile. I love to see their pretty colors and to smell My fragrance in them. This is what I made them for.”

Silently, Little Glory felt her petals begin to droop, even lower this time. “How could she ever make her Maker as happy as all of the other flowers did?” she asked herself. “Then”…she heard her Maker say, “I see you.” Little Glory opened her mouth to speak, to perhaps find an explanation, but before she could speak, her Maker continued.

“You, Little Glory, bring joy to my heart. You see, I know that it has not been easy for you to bloom. I have seen your struggle to survive here, in the midst of all this ivy. At times, you have felt smothered, and even choked, but you never gave up. All the while, I was working on your behalf. You see, I went below the soil to make room for your roots to grow, and at the same time I went above and caused the rain of My love to pour down upon you. Even then I continued to speak My encouragement, My strength, and My peace to you. You did not always see Me, Little Glory, but I was always there.”

Little Glory quickly asked, “You did all that for me, Maker?” “Yes,” her Maker said. “But why?” she asked. “Because you” He said, “are a true testimony of My love and My goodness. You, Little Glory, are rare. You have chosen to bloom in spite of the things that have tried to take your very life away. Those things have attempted to steal you away from the purpose that I have given to you. That purpose is for you to bloom for Me in every circumstance, with all that you are, and to become all that I have made you to be.”

As Little Glory snuggled up close to her Maker, she whispered, “Thank you, Maker. I love you.” With that, she closed her eyes. As she fell into a deep and peaceful rest, she missed the last words that her Maker spoke.

“This is why I named you Glory,” He said softly. “Because as I shine on you, you allow Me to shine through you, onto all of the others who I send your way. Only then is your purpose made perfect in Me.” With that, He looked down gently at His perfect Little Glory… and smiled.

Written by Beverley A Napier

Inspired by my truly “glorious” friend, Gloria DeShields

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