
Exercise those faith and trust muscles

Devotional for May 26.2011

Life Application: Do Not Fear

My daughter has just received notice that she missed a deadline for an important scholarship application. There was another date on the actual application which she did meet. But the rules are: the announcement each year, not the form, dictates the due date.

In a culture of exceptions and ‘it wasn’t my fault’ it’s actually impressive to run into a rule that cannot and will not be bent. Of course, I want them to make an exception for her. My initial response to the letter is a blur, my heart in my throat; all I could think was how much we were hoping for her success.

For the next 15 minutes I kept sorting through the details, I could feel my chest tighten as I began to fear for the future. How will she pay for college? What can I do? Just as the pressure of tears swelled into my eyes I started to do the most important thing: I cried out to God.

I declared (out loud, I needed to hear it) that He had seen us through far more challenging times, financially and emotionally. I would choose to trust Him and not worry or fear. I thanked Him for watching over us. I thanked Him for leading and providing for her. I had put my trust in a scholarship - now I had the opportunity to correct my thinking and put my trust in God.

I came home and prayed with my daughter. I assured her of my confidence in God and His plans for her future. I encouraged her that He is bigger than a missed deadline. Then I challenged her to not think about how it was all going to turn out. Instead she should nip any worries or negative thoughts in the bud, focus her mind on trusting Him, follow His leading and do what she can do (in this case, research more scholarship opportunities).

We all want to be “Strong in the Lord.” WARNING: this requires hard work and effort. Every step we take in correcting our own thoughts makes us a teensy bit stronger. Every challenge is an opportunity to exercise those faith and trust muscles. I truly believe that the more contrary to our natural tendency a step of faith is, the heavier the weights on the barbell. The more weight there is on the barbell then the bigger the gain in our spiritual strength and maturity.

This is a perfect opportunity to walk out what I believe and be an example and support to my daughter. Resisting fear is an exercise worth doing over and over again.

Written by Mary M. Wilkins

The Lord is my strength and shield.
I trust him with all my heart.
He helps me, and my heart is filled with joy.
I burst out in songs of thanksgiving.
Psalm 28:7

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