
My Hope Is In God

Wednesday, May 25, 2011 Devotional

Recently everywhere I turn, the word hope has been on my radar screen. For example, the sermons and songs I have been singing or listening to. I have been prayer walking my teenage son's high school this week,early in the morning. This morning as I was prayer walking the school, I happened to look up on the second level of the building and noticed a large poster board on the wall. In large lettering on the poster board was the word "Hope." As I was asking the Lord today what He wanted me to do the devotional on, of course the word "Hope" loomed up in my heart.

Without hope, none of us could function from day to day and truly enjoy life. Hope is why we get up every morning. Hope is why we can face those huge mountains befor us. Hope is why we can face every situation and know eventually it will be worked out and it will pass. Hope is why we can comfort and encourage others and let them know they will get through it victoriously. Hope is knowing that every one of our needs will be met in God's perfect timing.

Scriputure tells us in Romans 15:13 "Now may the God of Hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing that you may abound in Hope by the power of the Holy Spirit." God is the "God of Hope." As we look fully onto God, we can tap into the hope we need at any given time. God and God alone is our source of Hope. We can walk in great confidence and expectation, that as we fix our eyes on Him, we can continually experience great Hope in our Lord.

Not only can we have confidence and great expectation, but scripture tells us that we may abound in Hope by the power of the Holy Spirit. Now that is something to get excited about!
 I choose to rely and fully embrace Hope in my God all the days of my life!
Written by Sandy

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