

Do you ever wonder what goes on inside a dreaming dog? I have the joy of living with a very active four legged dreamer. She can be lying peacefully on her side, her back, or curled up like a donut and start to twitch and act a little fidgety. Her front legs start flapping, like she’s treading water. Next thing, she begins to make soft woofing noises, intermixed with a bit of whimpering and a few quiet little barks that sound more like hiccups. I call it “dreambarking.” She sleeps so soundly, that I can pick her up and move her from place to place, and she doesn’t even wake up. She may open her eyes to a glassy slit, but keeps on sleeping and dreaming, totally unaware of her change of venue. At the most, if I start to pick her up and she’s lying on her side, she will salute me with her hind leg, but not resist my transporting her from couch to bed.

How peacefully dogs sleep. They are totally unconcerned about work or money or the war or someone stealing their identity. Since this little dog hasn’t been exposed a lot of external stimuli throughout her life, I assume she must have a very vivid imagination. Or perhaps she’s watched a little too much TV. She sleeps an average of 20 hours a day and is 14 years old, so she’s had over 100,000 hours to practice dreambarking. No wonder she’s an expert! What I’d really love to know, is what she could possibly be dreaming about – it must really be something!

Since dogs don’t waste their time worrying or dreaming about things out of their control, I’m thinking they are dreaming dreams of joy. I believe my little dog dreams of running leash free through a muddy field, chasing anything that moves. There is just so much out there to get excited about. Life is simply just a hoot! A dog can smell a cat a block away—now that’s a dream come true. I think God made cats just a bit faster than dogs, just to provide exercise. No gym membership needed there – and what a workout! Dogs don’t worry about where their next meal is coming from. They just eat whatever’s handy. Fashion is of no concern to them either – they’re always in style, and their clothes are wash and wear – no dry cleaning bills. Aging is no big deal – fur makes a much better cover-up than wrinkle cream in a jar, and, it’s free.

I’ve never heard of a dog asking for a raise or a vacation. What would a dog do with money? They have no pockets, don’t carry a purse or a wallet, and don’t need a bank account – yet they are happier than a millionaire. And, they have no debts! No way can anyone steal their identity—they have no social security number, pin number or Visa card. It must be pure joy to have no money concerns, even though they have no income or hope of a job (especially at 14!). A dog’s life is like one long vacation. No worries.

People spend a lot of time and money trying to get other people to love them. Dogs just assume everyone loves them. And, they love back without abandon. They don’t care what we look like, how we smell, or how old we’ve gotten, they just love us for the love of loving us—that’s enough.

I think I could learn a few things from my dog about loving, relaxing and giving up worry. People spend way too much time thinking about dying when God intended us to live every day to its fullest. Even when dogs are sick, they aren’t worried about what will happen to them. They just know they’re not feeling well, and they rest. Dogs just don’t have the capacity to worry. Ever notice that people who worry cause people around them to worry as well? Carefree people, and animals, spread joy and calm the nerves of those around them.

Dogs seem to understand God’s Words to us: All our days were ordered especially for us before any of them came to be. How foolish we are to spend even one minute of a day in worry! Each day is a gift, not to be wasted.

Paula Glauber Sept. 2011

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