
The Savior of the World

When Jesus met up with the Samaritan woman, He knew exactly who would be at that well, exactly what kind of person she was, exactly what her misconceptions were, and yet He also knew that there was something in her that would believe in Him and that’s all that mattered.
We get a peek into the tension between the pure Jews and the mixed race of the Samaritans when we read the account of the Samaritan woman at Jacob’s well in the gospel of John.  Jesus approached her alone, without His disciples because they would not understand what He was about to do with her.  He asked her for some water since she was already at the well with her jar in hand to draw.  Immediately, she argued with Him.  That’s OK, He knew that she would.  No doubt with bitterness and sarcasm, she asked why in the world He, a Jew, was asking her, a Samaritan, for water.  It’s even implied that the Jews would not even drink from the same vessel as Samaritans. 

The Samaritans had Jewish heritage, but were they a pure race?  When the divided nation of Israel was taken captive hundreds of years earlier, Assyria, who took the northern part captive, sent their people to the land to occupy it.  These foreign people quite possibly intermarried with the Jews who were left in the land creating a mixed race.  Those of the southern kingdom were allowed to return to their land 70 years later.  They called these people foreigners, but these people called themselves true Jews.  Since then much hatred had developed between the two people groups.

This particular Samaritan woman had likely been the victim of plenty of racism, so she automatically scoffed at Jesus’ request.  He then mentions to her living water that He offers, knowing full well that it would stir the pot even more.  Naturally she got defensive speaking about the sacredness of the well she was drawing from and mocking His offer since He was the one without a jar as if He had some nerve speaking of Himself so high and mighty. 
Still, He continues to explain more about this living water intriguing her to the point of heightened curiosity.  So, she asks for some.  But before He reveals exactly who He is, He rattles her chain a little by telling her things about herself…sinful things about herself that this Man could not have known.  Yet, she kept her cool and drew the conclusion that He must be a prophet, and since He was willing to engage in conversation with not only a Samaritan, but a woman who is sinful and speaks boldly to men, she felt confident enough to speak controversy. 
So, here we learn of at least one misconception.  She’s been led to believe all her years, as no doubt most of her people had, that their place of worship (which happened to be on the mountain the two were standing on) was the right place of worship, but the Jews say it must be in Jerusalem.  Well, she was wrong, and Jesus told her point blank that they don’t know what they’re doing when they worship on that mountain, but the Jews who worship in Jerusalem are right in doing so.  However, it was beside the point, because He threw her for a loop when He told her that a time was coming quickly when the true worshippers would worship in spirit and truth, not on a mountain or in a city. 
Now, I can just see her at this point saying, “That’s what I thought…You’re no different than the rest of them…why should I even bother talking to You anyway….when Messiah comes, He’ll clear it all up….”  The next thing she knows, Jesus opens her eyes to who He really is…He tells her that He is that very One, the Messiah.  Just then the disciples walk up and she puts all the pieces together running to tell her people what had just happened.  They must have heard about this man.  They ran out to see Him, already believing because of what the woman told them.  Jesus decides to stay with them in their city for a couple of days.  And, yes, they all believed. 

There are a lot of misconceptions about who God really is not only between different religions, but also in different areas of the body of Christ.  When Jesus comes to you right where you are revealing who He is, showing you His love regardless of your sinful background, the hatred in your heart, and your misconceptions about the truth…believe…just believe.  He’ll meet you exactly where you are and if you believe, He’ll accept you, love you and forgive you.  He’ll be your Savior because He is the Savior of the world.

They said to the woman,
“We no longer believe just
because of what you said;
now we have heard for ourselves,
and we know that this man really is the Savior of the world.”
John 4:42

Amie Spruiell 10/01/2011

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