
Sin and Salvation

Romans 3:23--
"For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God."

This is the very first verse I learned as a child ,it has such a marvelous message . It tells us that no matter how rich ,or poor, black or white , Jew or Gentile , we all sin . It's because we are human and the flesh is weak . As I used to tell my children , " there was only one perfect child born and He was nailed to a cross ."

What a message it is that our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ was nailed to a cross , for your sins and mine . Through Him we might be saved and spend eternity with Him in heaven . It says in the bible that as Christians we are joint heirs with Jesus ! That's so hard to wrap my brain around , sinner that I am , as are we all , my Jesus died for me and you and we are joint heirs with Him . It's never to late to declare you are a sinner and that Jesus is Lord and Savior and join the family of God .God bless you all ....hugs and love

submitted by : Annie

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