
"God's Perfect Love"

There is no better place than I would rather be, than in the presence of my God and resting in His perfect love. I enjoy fully engaging in Him in worship and prayer and basking in His peace and love.

I find that when my focus is off of the Lord and on difficult situations in my life, I do not handle life well at all. Fear begins to loom over me and I feel like my life is out of control.

God's word tells us in....

I John 4:18
"There is no fear in love; but perfect love casts out fear,
 because fear involves torment.
But he who fears has not been made perfect in love."

When I am not trusting my Savior, fear can quickly turn into full-blown torment. God never intended us to live in torment. He gently draws us onto Himself and wraps His loving arms around us and lavishes His love all over us. His heart is that we are wrapped securely in His perfect love. When we are soaking and basking and resting in his love, all fear is cast out. God's perfect love overwhelms us!

Sandy Billingham

1 comment:

  1. Sandy,
    As you have described...what a beautiful time it is when we slow down and bask in His love. He ministers to us in ways that we can only imagine as we wait for Him.

    God bless!
