
Why Does My Child Persist in Taking the Easy Way?

Can I be honest with you? I’m cringing as I ask that because I am grateful for what happened this morning. But I am also ashamed about what led up to it.

I was talking to God and repenting for not getting something done that I know He told me to do (which was to write a check to the church). I was thanking Him for being so patient and forgiving of me. Then I started thinking about one of my children. My blood started to boil as I thought about some of the decisions this young adult has been making. I reviewed the repeated excuses in my head, mentally preparing a lecture filled with warnings and advice to fly straight or anticipate crashing.

Then my eyes were opened. I saw clearly the similarities of our disobedience and how we both were satisfying our personal desires instead of sacrificing, choosing the right thing and doing what is hard. But when it’s me, I trust that God, my Father in heaven, will love me through my poor choices and gently lead me in the way I should go. What was I doing with this child of mine? Being harsh, demanding and trying to think of ways to force them to do what is right. Sigh.

Fathers, don't exasperate your children by coming down hard on them.
Take them by the hand and lead them in the way of the Master.
Ephesians 6:4 The Message

I am very grateful for the timely and gentle correction although I shake my head at the realization of how often I need to be put right! I have been a child of God longer than my child has been alive, yet our perfect Father in heaven has not succeeded in making me a perfect child in all that time. His goal is for me to become mature in Christ and surely I can adjust my mind to allow my child the same privilege, patience and grace God grants to me.

“Thank you, Lord, for showing me the error of my thinking
 before I had a chance to open my mouth this time!”

Written by Mary M. Wilkins

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