
Mount Up

Isaiah  40:31


“But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength;

they shall mount up  with wings
as eagles;

they shall run, and not be weary;
and they shall walk, and not faint.”

Recently I’ve had this scripture in Isaiah 40:31 on my heart and when I read it thoroughly… two words were illuminated to me.  The words “Mount Up”.   For some reason I got a visual of an eagle mounting up to fly, as I thought about the intensity of strength an eagle has in it’s legs to mount up.   There are several synonyms for the verb “Mount”

Ø     Accelerate,  Build Up,  Climb,  Enlarge,  Escalate,  Expand,
Ø     Multiply,  Rise,  Spread,  Swell,  Surge,  Heighten,  Intensify, Crest

What powerful wording God has given us to look to this scripture for strength in our everyday trials of life.   If we wait upon the Lord as the word tells us to do….we too shall renew our strength and “Mount Up” with wings as eagles.

 I believe before we can have this action/verb in our life, it must start in our mind, we can as the eagle ….gird our minds and “Mount Up”… Rise, Swell, Surge and Crest to heights >> which in turn gives us strength (as legs of an eagle) to sore, to fly, to run and not be weary and walk and not faint.  Teach me Lord to wait upon you!

Glenna Williamson

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