
The River

I am sitting on a hard pew in a simple chapel in the green hills of Virginia. It is hot and muggy; the open doors carry a cross breeze and mosquitoes.  As the 1st grade girl’s counselor I compel my tired body to sit up straight, force my eyes open wide, and tune my ears to hear. The teachers mean well. Sermons filled with valuable lessons pour forth from the rustic pulpit and splash the children and their dutiful guardians.

Then one night a new voice stands at the front. Bit by bit, he tells a simple story, details that seem unimportant are used like bits of fluff and string are used to weave a nest together and make it strong. Telling his tale effortlessly, we all follow along, every child, young and old. Our rapt attention is not forced, we are willing followers.  My heart swells with powerful emotions throughout. I think to myself, I will never forget this story or the lesson. In my youthful mind, I add, more people would understand if they could hear the gospel and God’s Truth in such a clear and distinct way
Of course, I had not discovered anything new. Jesus used stories often to make the kingdom of God clear. He didn’t save His storytelling for children either, but shared them with the crowds and especially His own disciples.  He truly desired that they not continue in confusion or misunderstanding.

God’s Word is like a river. If I sit on the bank and watch it flow by, I can appreciate its beauty and its power. Sometimes when I dip a toe in I am surprised at the freezing cold, the temperature startles me awake as I feel a nudge in my heart for God is bringing a sin to my attention. 

Other times I dangle both feet in and the water is amazingly warm and soothing. I forget all the cares I have been worrying about as I take my concerns to Him who loves me, and place all my worries at His feet, for He cares for me. 

When the pressures and circumstances of my life threaten to overwhelm me, I jump right into the river to escape them for a moment. I am amazed at the sense of freedom I experience as I fully relax and allow the power of the river to carry me along. Looking over at the riverbank I see all my issues and responsibilities are keeping up alongside me. But it is as if there is no room left in my heart for fear and I sigh with gratefulness for this profound peace and the comfort surrounding me.

As I get out of the river to continue on with my day, I think longingly of the refreshing moments I have just enjoyed.  Then I smile as I realize I can always go back. I can come running to You when things get out of hand. I desire, Lord, to keep all of my cares and concerns and worries in Your hands. Please help me to not wait for everything to be in extreme circumstances.

Dear Lord, thank You for the power of Your Word to correct me, comfort me and refresh me. Please help me open Your Word every morning, noon and night. Please forgive me for thinking I can handle things on my own. Please help me to remember to read and read and read Your Word. Then I will already be in Your River or I will have just come from Your River when I am faced with challenging circumstances. Then I will be refreshed and ready to trust You to lead me and give me wisdom when I need it. In Jesus name, amen.

Written by Mary M. Wilkins

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