
My Only Worth Is In HIM

Devotional for Monday....October 17

Who have I in heaven but you? And there is none upon earth that I desire besides you.
     My flesh and my heart fail;
          but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever!

Bring forgiveness into the shadows;
     nothing hidden, nothing lost, nothing controlling, nothing having ownership;
          letting it wash, flooding over, saturating.

I choose you over the pain of past hurts;
     I choose your love above the self-righteousness that rises up to protect me.
          No more a shield, no more a rampart, to the pain in my life,
              releasing, relinquishing my self’s’ right to hold onto my wounded self.

I choose the power of God’s love over the power of self.
     I relinquish the hold of memories;
          choosing not to fight against the pain, the hurts, and life’s trappings while here;
              being free to feel again.

I choose to forgive myself for not liking me, for running away-from me.
     Not wanting to feel or trust that I have value, that I am a gift, that I have any worth.

It is only the Christ in me;
     choosing an imperfect vessel to reside in,
          one that he finds of value, one that he treasures, one that he embraces always.

I am more than my disgraces; to him I am his perfect Cinderella.
     I don’t have to be seen, I don’t have to one up.
          No need to be noticed, that I may feel love.

You may ignore me; you may not recognize my being,
    but my God sees me, my God values me, HE hears me,
          HE is where I am whole and complete.

Man is fickle and unsure, what does that say?
     My only worth is in HIM and HIS love of me and that requires nothing on my part,
           but openness to his love…

Ah, breathing in the truth that there is no other thing that will satisfy here on earth but our Lord.
     We may strive, we may buy, and we may demand to be heard,
          but all that is but a puff of smoke and false mirrors…

Taking forgiveness into the shadows, choosing to lay down our defenses,
     releasing, and relinquishing my self’s rights,
          then choosing the power of God’s love over the power of self.

May this day we give it all to HIM and let HIM be the all we need…
Psalm 73:25-26

Written by Kathy Bireley 2011

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