
We are blessed when we bless others!

For whosoever shall give you
a cup of water  to drink in my name,
 because ye belong to Christ,
verily I say unto you,
he shall not lose his reward.

Mark 9:41


First, we are blessed when we bless God's children, even if the blessing is simple. Second, we can rejoice when others do the simplest things to bless us in Jesus' name, because we receive the kindness and grace of others and because God blesses that kindness with his overwhelming grace, so let's live to be a blessing!

When we do, God is blessed. We are blessed. We bless others. In addition, when others are gracious to us, God has also promised to bless them. God pours his blessings out on all of us. In God's abundance, the more we bless each other, the more blessings there are for everyone!

God bless you all!!

Submitted by: Annie

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