
Monday Devotional...1/30/12

"We Serve A Big God"

Why is it when we are walking through a tough situation, the more we focus on the problem, the smaller God becomes.

As it talks about in Hebrews 12:2...

"Looking onto Jesus the author
and finisher of our faith...",
He is to be our main focus. We are to fix our eyes on Him. As we do that continuously, our God will stay big in our eyes. The more we get our eyes off of Him and onto the situation, He becomes smaller and smaller.

When we look onto Jesus, not only does He become big in our eyes, but also He will bless us with His strength, peace, joy and confidence and the list goes on! Not only that, but He will provide for us all that we need to walk through whatever we are currently facing.

I encourage each of you to keep looking onto Jesus! We serve a BIG and MIGHTY GOD!!

Sandy Billingham

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