

devotional for Sunday, 1/29/12

In our lives there are some things we want to change. Old habits that no longer serve their purpose, how much we weigh, an addiction causing life to become unmanageable, etc. Some people are able to make a sudden drastic change, like quitting smoking "cold turkey" without gradually weaning off. But there are many things that take more time, and maybe we take a few steps forward, a step backward, then a few steps forward again. It's much harder than changing our clothes, or changing our hairstyle. There are many changes that present a challenge, and are best done with the help and support of others. Change isn't always easy.

There are times when we are sinning and we are aware of that sin, but it is still difficult to stop. We are not alone in this. Even Paul struggled with it, yet he knew where he could find help:

So I find this law at work: Although I want to do good, evil is right there with me. For in my inner being I delight in God’s law; but I see another law at work in me, waging war against the law of my mind and making me a prisoner of the law of sin at work within me. What a wretched man I am! Who will rescue me from this body that is subject to death? Thanks be to God, who delivers me through Jesus Christ our Lord! Romans 7:21-25a NIV

So it is Jesus Christ our Lord who delivers us from our sins. We must take the steps laid out for us, but it is with the power of God that we make it down the path. Sometimes we slip and take a wrong step or even backtrack, but He is always there guiding us back to the right road. And the best news is that God will not count our missteps against us. Through faith in Jesus our sins will be covered.

You will call and I will answer you; you will long for the creature your hands have made. Surely then you will count my steps but not keep track of my sin. My offenses will be sealed up in a bag; you will cover over my sin. Job 14:15-17 NIV

Lord, you remind me once again that your forgiveness is a free gift, as is the power to change my life. It is not that I have tried, but that You have died; it is not who I am or what I've done, but rather what You have done and who You are that brings me forgiveness! I desire to stop my sinful actions. Help me to change my ways, step by step. In your name, Amen.

written by Jan Andersen


  1. Jan, your word rings true here.You explain this kind of thing just the way it happens. Thanks for giving us a prayer to pray that reminds us just who Jesus is to us.

    Praise the Lord.

    1. Thanks Corinne! Hope you are doing well in your recovery from surgery.

